Another Tile Floor Transformation with Chalk Paint®
Posted on 09/26/2017 by Tricia
This is spectacular! One of our customers, Laura Guncheon really disliked the colors in her entrance. I mean, REALLY disliked. Between the floor and the hunter green doors and trim…she wanted a change. So, The Purple Painted Lady was able to step her through the process and she is so proud of the transformation that we just had to share it!

Laura first cleaned her floor really, really well and then followed up with an additional rinse of fresh water to ensure there was not any soap residue left behind, or any dirt. Cleaner repel paint and not allow it to adhere to properly. The same goes for dirt. This is a boring step, I know! But do it well and take your time! Then, allow the floor to dry thoroughly (including the grout) before painting.
Graphite Chalk Paint® by Annie Sloan
Old White Chalk Paint® by Annie Sloan
Annie Sloan’s 2 inch Flat Paint Brush
Once the floor and doors were clean and dry, she began to use the
Graphite Chalk Paint® by Annie Sloan to cover the orange and grey slate tiles.
Graphite packaged in a litre container (starting in 2019) is a soft black. I feel much more of a black than the Graphite that was once packaged in a quart container (pre Jan 2019.) I understand that this may be confusing so please call us with any questions you have on colors!

The image below is Laura’s Hunter “before” photo showing the Hunter green painted trim and doors that she was not a fan of.

First Laura painted the grout lines with Old White Chalk Paint® by Annie Sloan. However, she realized once she began that she would not be happy unless they were the same size and decided it was more effort than it was worth to her. So, then she went directly to rolling on two coats of the Graphite Chalk Paint® by Annie Sloan, and then followed up using Annie Sloan’s Lacquer.
NOTE- when applying Lacquer over “dark” colors like Graphite, Athenian Black, Napoleonic Blue, Amsterdam Green, Emperor’s Silk- it is always best to use Annie’s Gloss Lacquer. The reason being is that the flattening agent in the Matte Lacquer can end up looking white and hazy over the dark colors.
Also, keep in mind, that Lacquer does not like to be handled like paint! It is super important that you read the instructions we include and follow them to the “T” otherwise, you may have problems. Click Here for important information about using Lacquer since it does NOT behave like paint. It is critical you read and follow the instructions we provide!!!!

If you are looking to purchase Annie Sloan products- we are here to help you! Both on-line OR at one of our four locations in NY!
First- if you have a local stockist- go visit them and build a relationship with them. Go to them with your questions and project issues. BUT- if you do not have a local stockist- we invite you to try our customer service!As for buying any of the products we mentioned earlier in this post- I hope that you select The Purple Painted Lady® to be your one stop resource! We have two locations in western NY. Check out our Information tab and come and meet us! Otherwise- if you are not located near me- the following information may apply to you. This information is directed to those who do NOT have a local stockist. Because if you do – go and meet them, shop from them and build a relationship with them. The guidance, information and knowledge they share with you – will be invaluable. Get inspired by their shop that they lovingly curated – just for you! Enjoy that one on one experience! But for those who are in a location where there is no one selling paint products- and you must buy on-line- consider us. With that said, visit to find a stockist near you. We are here to help you, our customers! We want you to be successful! SOME OF THE REASONS WE THINK THE PURPLE PAINTED LADY® CUSTOMER SERVICE IS THE BEST: * We love our customers and it shows!* Ordering online? If you order before 3 pm EASTERN TIME any day Monday thru Friday – we will ship out your package that SAME day. We ship orders out every since week day all over the US. (THIS IS DIFFERENT than SAME DAY DELIVERY. We do not offer that)* We offer low flat rate UPS shipping cost so if you are one town away or 10 states away- the shipping cost is the same.* We have awesome follow up customer service, too!* We sell Chalk Paint® for $34.95 SHOP ON LINE HERE : ) And I will be here to help you as you progress through your future project! And if I do say so myself- we offer the BEST customer service that you will ever experience! Lastly- if I was helpful to you- ….please consider leaving a positive review on my Facebook business page sharing your positive experience or thoughts about The Purple Painted Lady®. Here is a link to my Facebook page=> This really helps me! (wink, wink!)
The Purple Painted Lady® ~ the serial no. is 86/641,416 with the US Trademark Office