At a glance: Svenska Blue is lighter in color. Duck Egg Blue has more Green and is a moodier color. Both are beautiful….Duck Egg Blue has more green to it than it once did pre2019.

2019 PACKAGING CHANGES: With the global transition of packaging with Chalk Paint® by Annie Sloan that happened at the beginning of 2019, a handful of colors changed slightly or a change in name happened. The changing of names impacted Paris Grey & Chicago Grey and also Duck Egg Blue & Svenska Blue. The packaging in the Quart containers has been retired. As of 2019, all of Annie’s paint is now packaged in Litres.
2019 COLORS DRIFTING: Note that about a third of the colors in the Annie Sloan suite have drifted slightly. It only impacted some of the colors, NOT all. And these changes were released at the beginning of 2019 and were in the Litre containers.
“Drifted” means – there has been a change. The degree of change could be subtle, in a few cases- if trying to match a past project- the change could be too major to use. Some in the sense, if you are in need of ordering paint to finish a past project OR do a touch up on a piece painted prior to 2019 or even first quarter – I STRONGLY recommend that you go and see your local stockist. They should be well informed and fully loaded with stock. It is always best to see colors first hand. Monitors – and depending on how they are calibrated – or a lack there of….may skew the color. So, if you have Chalk Paint® stockist local – go and build a relationship with them. They will be able to help you immensely! – Now, if you do not have a local stockist or anyone reasonable to drive to…. feel free to contact The Purple Painted Lady. You can message us here or call us at 585-750-6056. Ask us questions. You will want to be informed before you make a purchase. Note that about a third of the colors in the Annie Sloan suite have drifted slightly. It only ipaced some, NOT all colors and these were released at the beginning of 2019.
Speaking specifically about Duck Egg Blue compared to Svenska packaged in Litre containers => We did a Facebook LIVE on The Purple Painted Lady’s Facebook page back on Friday, January 18, 2019 at NOON Eastern Time and compared the Duck Egg from the past quart container to the new litre packaging of Duck Egg Blue. And also, paint with Svenska Blue (the European edition of the Duck Egg that was packaged in quarts in the past)

At a glance: Svenska Blue is lighter in color. Duck Egg Blue has more Green and is a moodier color. Both are beautiful….Duck Egg Blue has more green to it than it once did pre2019.
I understand that this may seem confusing and we wanted to help you make sure when you are purchasing Chalk Paint® from us or anyone in your area, that you purchase the correct color! Thus- why we did the video. So, we will be painting with all three (Duck Egg Quarts, Duck Egg in Litre packaging and Svenska Blue) We are here to answer your questions- so please feel free to leave questions here ahead of time OR …once the LIVE begins, post them then. We will upload this video to our YouTube channel once done.
The Purple Painted Lady has an online shop but always promotes and highly recommends that you go and visit your local Annie Sloan stockist! They will have physical samples for you to see in person and to compare!!

Trish always shares, “first- if you have a local stockist- go visit them and build a relationship with them. Go to them with your questions and project issues.” BUT- if you do not have a local stockist- we invite you to try our customer service!As for buying any of the products we mentioned earlier in this post- I hope that you select The Purple Painted Lady® to be your one stop resource! We have two locations in western NY. Check out our Information tab and come and meet us! Otherwise- if you are not located near me- the following information may apply to you. This information is directed to those who do NOT have a local stockist. Because if you do – go and meet them, shop from them and build a relationship with them. The guidance, information and knowledge they share with you – will be invaluable. Get inspired by their shop that they lovingly curated – just for you! Enjoy that one on one experience! But for those who are in a location where there is no one selling paint products- and you must buy on-line- consider us. With that said, visit to find a stockist near you. We are here to help you, our customers! We want you to be successful! SOME OF THE REASONS WE THINK THE PURPLE PAINTED LADY® CUSTOMER SERVICE IS THE BEST: * We love our customers and it shows!* Ordering online? If you order before 3 pm EASTERN TIME any day Monday thru Friday – we will ship out your package that SAME day. We ship orders out every since week day all over the US. (THIS IS DIFFERENT than SAME DAY DELIVERY. We do not offer that)* We offer low flat rate UPS shipping cost so if you are one town away or 10 states away- the shipping cost is the same.* We have awesome follow up customer service, too!* We sell Chalk Paint® for $34.95 SHOP ON LINE HERE : ) And I will be here to help you as you progress through your future project! And if I do say so myself- we offer the BEST customer service that you will ever experience! Lastly- if I was helpful to you- ….please consider leaving a positive review on my Facebook business page sharing your positive experience or thoughts about The Purple Painted Lady®. Here is a link to my Facebook page=> This really helps me! (wink, wink!)
The Purple Painted Lady® ~ the serial no. is 86/641,416 with the US Trademark Office