So, you are using an Iron Orchid Design Inlay and it when you removed it- some of it was left behind or did not adhere. Or only a partial of the inlay transferred. Why is that?
First know, that the more you use IOD Inlays the better you will become. And if you follow our instructions – you will be much more successful!
Getting back to only a partial of the IOD Paint Inlay transferred though. There are a number of variables and without being there with you – determining what the issue was in your situation, is only a guess we can.
- Perhaps, the paint was setting up faster in some areas of the surface where you were applying the inlay too? Remember, the paint needs to be wet! Not dried anywhere.
- Maybe you did not evenly press the inlay into the wet paint on that side? Some people use a brayer or a damp cloth to even apply pressure into the wet paint.
- Or, if you did not moisten the inlay enough on the final step prior to removing it – it can cause the inlay to pull back off.

Remember- if your inlay looks uneven due to it not all adhering- you can lightly sand the area where the inlay is more prominent to lightly distress some of it to make it more “balanced”. Lastly- would you mind if I share your photo without adding your name to help others if I write a blog post?
Let us know if this post was helpful.
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Please kindly consider all of this when you purchase and if you have no one local who retails Annie Sloan Products … please – PLEASE consider giving The Purple Painted Lady your valued business. We have been here for 12 years providing this one on one 24 hour Chalk Paint® Concierge Customer Service for when you have questions or having problems. We care about YOU and your projects!! We are grateful for you and we need you…. We really need you! And hope you will continue being our customer. Grateful that Annie Sloan products, including Chalk Paint®, are only available through small local retailers. Annie Sloan is a passionate supporter of small business, Annie Sloan has chosen to distribute her paint this way to ensure that you receive the instruction, support, and inspiration that she would provide herself.
We are here to help you and appreciate you!

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