Paint Your Washer & Dryer with Chalk Paint®

Use Chalk Paint® decorative paint by Annie Sloan to jazz up your old washer & dryer?


Check out what Melissa’s Perfect Piece did!

Melissa The Purple Painted Lady Chalk Paint Washer Dryer Laundry Room painted

This almost makes doing laundry fun!

My suggestion for painting your washer and dryer would be to wipe down each with water.  If you are like me and get detergent on the front of it….wipe it down using Krud Kutter.  Dirt and residual cleaning products will repel paint so make sure it is clean.  Rinse with a new rag and fresh water after cleaning.

Dry thoroughly.

Then paint with Chalk Paint®. Paint first coat and wait 24 hours, then do second coat.

Adding detail? Do it with Chalk Paint®.

Then, use the Artisan Enhancements Clear Topcoat Sealer OR  Artisan Enhancements Clear Finish as your top coat. It will work wonderfully.

And voila! You are done!

Melissa created this pretty pink custom color using Chalk Paint®. (Check out the paint mixing tool on our website to help with color mixing ideas!) => Click HERE

Looking for a site to order polka dot stencils from? Try Royal Design Studio!

The Purple Painted Lady (that’s me!) sells chalk paint® in three of her locations through out western NY and also- via her on-line store/website!

If you do not purchase through me…I hope you give us the opportunity to do business with you! We sell Chalk Paint at $37.99 per quart which is the lowest price I can legally sell it for based on the contract to be a distributor. I ship out every week day all over the US. We offer the lowest flat rate UPS shipping cost so if you are one town away or 10 states away- the shipping cost is the same. We ship same day if your order is placed before our daily UPS pick up. Also- it is my paint sales that keep me in business and allow me to be here to help you. (my shameless, but honest plug) Link to Our On-Line Store HERE.

: ) And I will be here to help you as you progress through your future project! And if I do say so myself- we offer the BEST customer service that you will ever experience!

Here is a little post about what I mean when it comes to customer service and what you should expect from us – click HERE.

Thanks so much!

Trish —