Depending on where you are located on this planet- unless you are hiding under a rock, you have become well versed on COVID-19 . In the midst of the reactions from panic, fear to utter chaos from the shutdowns, cancellations and possible quarantines….planning ahead is always helpful. In my area of western NY, literally, there is no toilet paper available to purchase…… anywhere! None at WalMart, Target, Wegmans, Tops, Lowes, Home Depot, etc….. What is up with buying out cases and cases of toilet paper? It is like people think it is made in China and importing it will stop. I am curious, is this happening in your area too? I find it crazy that it seems like toilet paper is what everyone is buying…versus food, water, or how about cold medicine…..heck, what about Chalk Paint®?

Lucky for me, I have cases of toilet paper leftover from the annual art festival that we host every September……and I have cases of Chalk Paint® by Annie Sloan!
So, plan ahead and go visit your local stockist and pick up a can of your favorite color, or try a new color like Oxford Navy or Lem Lem. If you do not have a local stockist and would like to use The Purple Painted Lady as a resource – we are here, fully stocked and ready to support and help you with any questions you might have with a painting project! If you place your order before 3pm Eastern time Monday through Friday, we will pack and get your package out that same day. And depending on where you are located, you should have it within 2 – 3 business days.
So, the moral of this story, is to buy stock in the toilet paper companies, if you see some tp on a shelf at a store, buy it to sell on the black market….and don’t forget to order your Chalk Paint® so while you are home – hopefully waiting out this global issue, you can still be creative and productive!
#chalkpainttherapy #anniesloan #thepurplepaintedlady #dontbeboredifyouarequarantined