FREE WAX DEMO in Macedon, NY Tues, Feb. 16th at NOON

FREE CLINIC On how to apply Clear Wax over CHALK PAINT® on Tuesday, February 16th at NOON at 77 Main Street in Macedon, NY 14502.

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Do you have questions like:

Why would you use wax as a top coat?

What are the benefits of wax?

What should I be aware of regarding usage and maintenance for wax?

What is the durability like?

How do you apply it?

How do you know if you have enough applied?   Wax on Rag The Purple Painted Lady about to wax off carbon

What if you have too much?

How do you remove the excess?

What is the maintenance?

There is a Dark Wax?

I can tint the clear wax with CHALK PAINT®?

What tools do I use to apply or to remove?

Can I paint over the wax?

Please show up on time- since we will not be going back over information as we progress through the hour.

Feel free to register on our Facebook EVENT page HERE