Here is a great example of how using Annie Sloan’s tinted waxes can make a big impact with just one Chalk Paint® color like Honfleur.
Honfleur Chalk Paint® is a MILK CHOCOLATE BROWN. ….DARK BROWN. Think Easter Bunny Chocolate!

We love how David Burkhart used Annie’s White Wax strategically on the outside of the dresser and then Annie’s Black Wax on the inside section to create a contrast.

Annie’s White Wax has the consistency of cream cheese frosting. And although it is not edible, it always makes me crave frosting.

If you are interested in purchasing Chalk Paint® by Annie Sloan or would like some help with a project- reach out to us! And….consider purchasing from us too, although we always encourage you to visit your local Chalk Paint® stockist if you have one …but if you are stuck at home and do not have anyone local… The Purple Painted Lady is here to help and can ship your order right to your front door step. Please just place your order online and we will ship it out ASAP! In fact, if you place an order- be confident in knowing that The Purple Painted Lady has everything in stock! What does this mean in the end? With the team we have in place- your order will get packed and picked up by FedX, UPS or USPS. We pack up your order ship your order out our doors the same day you place it – Monday through Saturday. (note however, this is as long as your order came in before 3pm EASTERN TIME, because most of the carriers pick up our packages around 3 or 3:30pm)
To purchase online – please CLICK HERE!
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